Sunday, March 16, 2008

Print on canvas is here !

Hello , Peter here

This is my first Blog. I'm 37 years old and have had some sort of computer since I was 16. I was at a "web" marketing seminar last friday and was told I should start a blog as soon as I got home. Life caught up with me and it is now two days later. So why bother ? I have a business that prints photos on canvas and have been going for over a year now. What I have learned in that year has resulted in a very desirable product which can make you money and, if you are like me, it will also satisfy your creative urges.

More details later but for now know that the change in career has been good for me. If you are reading this: do have, or do you know what a model 9600 Epson Stylus Pro printer is ? This is the heart of our business and has earned its keep a number of times over. Some say it is already obsolete but we couldn't do without it.

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