Thursday, March 20, 2008

Caring for printed canvas

The canvas prints we produce are typically protected with a water based varnish. This seals the canvas against further ingress of moisture, dust, pollen and fungus (at least on the printed side).
  • The printed surface can now be wiped with a damp cloth periodically to remove dust.
  • Any spills on to the canvas should be dealt with speedily. Fluids such as wine, coffee and tea may cause permanent stains if not dealt with immediately
  • A water stain can usually be removed with a moist towelette (baby wipe) and in severe cases use baby shampoo.
  • Do not be afraid to get the canvas wet but be carefull to dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth.
  • Severe rubbing will probably lift ink and avoid using sharp tools to remove crud
  • A hairdryer may cause cracking of the canvas at the stress points such as the sides of a stretch frame

If you accidently poke the canvas (say with your elbow) and it leaves a dimple do not panic. leave it for a day - the canvas should repair itself as the stresses even out and retension the canvas. Some say you can shrink the canvas by spraying with water or rubbing with a damp cloth on the back of the canvas. This has worked with us but may not work in all situations.

Avoid doing any of this with valuable pieces - rather seek expert help.

1 comment:

Peter L D said...

This post will be reviewed soon. I am sure I have forgotten a number of important points